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DemigodsMike Chino Beats

By the author Christine Barsi

Mutant Worlds

Upcoming events

  • Salon du Livre et de la BD de Lognes
    Salon du Livre et de la BD de Lognes
    Sat, Nov 16
    Nov 16, 2024, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Lognes, 17 Rue du Suffrage Universel, 77185 Lognes, France
    Nov 16, 2024, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Lognes, 17 Rue du Suffrage Universel, 77185 Lognes, France
    L'auteure vous attend sur son stand dans le cadre du Salon du Livre et de la BD de Lognes
  • Salon du Livre du Perche
    Salon du Livre du Perche
    Sat, Dec 07
    Dec 07, 2024, 2:30 PM – Dec 08, 2024, 6:00 PM
    Soligny-la-Trappe, 61380 Soligny-la-Trappe, France
    Dec 07, 2024, 2:30 PM – Dec 08, 2024, 6:00 PM
    Soligny-la-Trappe, 61380 Soligny-la-Trappe, France
    Soligny-La-Trappe est le plus grand salon du Livre de la région. Un livre offert toutes les dix entrées
  • Salon du Livre de Courtry
    Salon du Livre de Courtry
    Sun, Mar 30
    Mar 30, 2025, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Courtry, Courtry, France
    Mar 30, 2025, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Courtry, Courtry, France
    Vous aimez l'univers des Mondes Mutants, la Science-fiction, le Fantastique, les grandes fresques romanesques ? Alors rejoignez-moi !


Araignée, illustre le roman de SF La Passion de l'Arachnee

A passion for me that these deviant universes which retrace the history of worlds in perdition where the peoples subject to mutations revolt against those who engendered them. What if our news only turned out to be the premises of these distant catastrophes? Who could assure that they have no connection with what is currently happening on Earth with these deadly genetic experiments whose tiny nanoparticles are inoculated by social pressure and by force on the inhabitants of our planet?

I don't know what it is with you, dear readers, but as far as I'm concerned, there is no doubt and the future will tell us very quickly.


Editions Les Mondes Mutants are happy to participate in this adventure of the author, in order to maintain the flame of artists, whatever their art, and encourage them to break away from norms, here again, to cross a threshold  and tend towards transcendence at its most fascinating.



In Le Matin des Archanges, the Journal of François Karradec, exobiologist Ketty Brownel investigates the existence of stellar humanoids.

As part of a hazardous expedition, when one of these creatures saves her from the attack of an Alien, Ketty can only follow the trail of these beings despite the warnings of her mentor. Her quest will take her from Iceland, to Canadian lands and South America, to the Pacific Islands.

When the young woman crosses paths with Brouth Mac Tavish, a dark man working within occult governments, she will never stop moving away from him when she understands that the Archon of the Bäanhs has chased her for reasons that she does not yet guess.

What will she discover, in the ultimate end, so that her entire world is irremediably turned upside down?


This story relates the hunt of an Alien for the Human that he selected above all.  It is also the conflagration of a blind passion between two beings plunged into the throes of a near future, poisoned by conflicts between races, whether from Earth or from surrounding worlds.


The Beings of Langhãem constitutes the first part of the saga; it can be read alone.

1ère de couverture - Les Etres de Langhãem.jpeg
Roman de science-fiction SolAs, par l'auteure Christine Barsi



A mission on an asteroid, carrying precious plasma fields, leads an astrophysicist to apprehend the signs of a humanity that no one suspects. When the singular relationship between her and one of her team members takes an unexpected direction, she will have to take responsibility for her choices and forget what she is to welcome her.  

A variation of Beauty and the Beast on the register of science fiction, particle accelerators and quantum energy.



An off-center world far from the hustle and bustle of a universe whose chronicles relate the escapades of the human junta grappling with its creatures. When Isys has to take the path of Thanäos, the mythical forest in which the frightening Men-Arachnees live, she thinks she will be amazed.

It is there, in the heart of these inviolate spaces that her destiny will be played out and that she will become, between the paws of one of them, the involuntary toy of his exclusive passion. Until she frees herself from it, and goes back to her family to try to counter with them the hegemony of the terrestrial world over the mutant peoples of Xaltaïr. Would her demon join her in due time?

This SF trilogy is a link between SolAs and Les Déviants Sacrés.

Roman de science-fiction La Passion de l'Arachnee - tome 1 : L'Odyssée par l'auteure Christine Barsi
Roman de science-fiction La Passion de l'Arachnee - tome 2 : Thanäos par l'auteure Christine Barsi
Roman de science-fiction La Passion de l'Arachnee - tome 3 : Le Bal du Léviathan par l'auteure Christine Barsi



The Great Purpose to which the Amazons are subject has led one of them to share the existence of the warriors and to help them hunt down Aliens on the world of Sylvainth for three hundred years. Condemned to this role of bait woman under the thumb of an enigmatic and lonely being about whom many rumors run, Maeween is forced to obey. But this submission will not last long. She intends to play with the officer and his veterans, and escape them at the very end ...

  She has to find out what the officer really is that he haunts her so much, and the reasons that make him become attached to her. But then, will she still have the choice of her destiny? And what is she, herself, with these skills that emerge and panic more than they reassure her?

A Planet Opera which will make you travel and will make you discover the universe of Maeween and the Dragaãnh within the grandiose landscapes of the world of Sylvainth.



Toi, le voyageur virtuel, sois assuré que l’aventure te prendra aux tripes et ne te lâchera pas avant que tu aies vécu l’existence de Bastyan, notre Capitanh du Mad One, expert en exploration spatiale, et de Mélianh, le Commodore des peuples de Reevanh, Homme-mémoire et Grand Prêtre de Rehonnael des tribus de la Vallée des Pas Perdus et du massif forestier d’Amhgart.

À leurs côtés, et sous le joug de l’entité mystique qui se tapit dans les antres et les eaux de ce bout de planète, tu découvriras les arcanes de ce monde et les raisons qui les ont amenés à se rencontrer et à vivre cette relation unique qui les transcendera.

Je ne t’en révèle pas davantage, il te suffit de tourner la page et d’arpenter les sentiers de Reevanh, cette colonie stellaire désaffectée du Monde Pivot que figure la Terre…

L’Œil de Reevanh nous entraîne dans l’univers de la saga Les Mondes Mutants, à la découverte d’une planète à l’atmosphère occulte au sein de laquelle vous retrouverez également des bribes de l’histoire de SolAs.



Les Etres de Langhãem, 1ère de couverture
Roman de SF Les Déviants Sacrés - tome 1 Le Grand Dessein - Illustration Adobe
Roman Les Déviants Sacrés, tome 2 La Quête du Dragaãnh, illustration Adobe St.
Roman SolAs - illustration de couverture
La Passion de l'Arachnee - L'Odyssée
La Passion de l'Arachnee - Thanäos
La Passion de l'Arachnee - tome 3 Le Bal du Léviathan - Illustration Adobe St.


Logo grand 2020.jpg
Tropical Leaves
L'aqualide (scène). Une amazone à proximité d'un marécage dans Les Déviants Sacrés, roman de science-fiction de l'auteure Christine Barsi


Mutant illustrant la saga Les Mondes Mutants de l'auteure Christine Barsi

“They were done with the rocky plateau, and were approaching the edge of the Forest of Tormented Shadows, as the old sages of Meyäelhown called it. There was certainly a good reason, and Maeween was still concerned. "

"Getting lost in the jungle was my way of disassociating myself from mankind, going back to my childhood and re-anchoring myself there like a carefree kid who only dreamed of nice monsters."

Jeune femme nue, héroïne dans la saga Les Mondes Mutants de l'auteure Christine Barsi, que ce soit dans La Passion de l'Arachnee ou Les Déviants Sacrés
The Beings of Langhãem

"Nous les avions traqués jusqu’en Islande et dans les fonds marins, mais aucune piste sérieuse ne s’était manifestée, à l’exception d’une présence autrement plus hideuse et aberrante. Une cour des Miracles, si l’on se référait à l’antique histoire de notre monde. Ou plutôt, une cour d’exomiracles avec ses poulpes démesurés en provenance des étoiles !"

Old Recorder école


Les Mondes Mutants Editions

Les Mondes Mutants Editions

Les Mondes Mutants Editions
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Les Êtres de Langhãem, roman de science-fiction de l'auteure Christine Barsi

Les Êtres de Langhãem, roman de science-fiction de l'auteure Christine Barsi

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Saga des Mondes Mutants, par l'auteure Christine Barsi. 11ème manuscrit en réécriture

Saga des Mondes Mutants, par l'auteure Christine Barsi. 11ème manuscrit en réécriture

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Trailer de science-fiction SOLAS   "Les courants porteurs"   Christine Barsi

Trailer de science-fiction SOLAS "Les courants porteurs" Christine Barsi

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Les univers déviants des romans de l'auteure Christine Barsi

Les univers déviants des romans de l'auteure Christine Barsi

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Vidéos Chanel
Créature mutante pour illustrer la saga des Mondes Mutants de l'auteure Christine Barsi
Argonaute mutant immense, mi-homme mi-mollusque, sorte de nautile humain surdimensionné aux multiples tentacules dans La Passion de l'Arachnee.

Céline Bacc:

“I just finished volume 3 of the Passion of the Arachnee. I loved this trilogy that I didn't think I could read due to my arachnophobia. But thanks to you, your imagination, your style, I managed to project myself into this magnificent and terrifying universe and to let myself be carried away by the passion that drives the heroes. The jungle of Thanäos, its mysteries, its mutant creatures, each more terrifying than the last. Aydaanh and Isys and their improbable love in which I managed to project myself despite the horror that I often felt vis-à-vis the mutation and the violence it engendered. So a big thank you to you whom I salute for your work, your art of writing and your whimsical imagination which allowed me to escape from this world to go "elsewhere". "


"...This book is a superb source of inspiration on two points: the creation of the mutant races and the story of the expedition" "...Well, you know how difficult it is to make a journey come alive in a role-playing game. Well, Christine Barsi succeeds in doing so through more than 400 pages. From the preparation of the journey to the destination, there is no downtime. You can use it as inspiration when your characters have to hit the road..."

Dominique Le Belleguic (Univers-jdr) :

Créature mutante, une sorte de gorgone monstrueuse qui illustre la saga des Mondes Mutants de l'auteure Christine Barsi

The Association:

Editions Les Mondes Mutants will offer you, over time, the opportunity to participate:

  • At literary cafés,

  • Writing workshops,

  • Coaching sessions,

  • Meetings on a specific theme,

  • Signing sessions,

  • Festive events,

  • Artistic exhibitions.

Keep yourself informed regularly!


"For an afternoon with the family, an evening or a weekend with friends, what would you think of bringing them to life with the presence of an author of gothic, adventure or science fiction novels?

A propos


L'auteure Christine Barsi
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Nogent sur Marne - 94130

Bellême, region of the Perche hills - 61130


The author Christine Barsi

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Je sui et me modifier. C'est facile.

Most of the illustrations are from Pixabay artists
The one on the header was done by Karen Nadine.

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